Hay varios tours de 1 día que salen desde la Ciudad de México, pero si te gusta explorar ruinas antiguas, diría que Teotihuacan es el destino para ti. La mayoría de las personas asumen que todas las ruinas mexicanas son Azteca o Maya y aunque es verdad para la mayoría y las mas populares, Teotihuacan es de una civilización mucho mas antigua. Cuando los Aztecas descubrieron al imperio abandonado, estuvieron asombrados por la magnitud de sus estructuras entonces lo llamaron Teotihuacan que quiere decir ‘construido por los dioses’. Es probable que no podían creer que nadie podía construir estructuras mas grandes que ellos por eso decían que era de los dioses.

Landscape from one of the main plazas
Landscape from one of the main plazas
View of the Street of the Dead
View of the Street of the Dead
The Pyramid of the Sun
The Pyramid of the Sun
View from the top of the Pyramid of the Sun
View from the top of the Pyramid of the Sun
The Pyramid of the Moon
The Pyramid of the Moon
View from the top of the Pyramid of the Moon
View from the top of the Pyramid of the Moon
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It is not known how this empire fell but in their prime, the people of Teotihuacan were expert architects, mathematicians, artists, and stonemasons who traded with civilizations reaching regions as far as what is now Guatemala. There are two key structures, the Temple of the Sun and Temple of the Moon both of which are along the ‘street of the dead’. All the standing structures are believed to have been used specifically for spiritual rituals and public ceremonies with residencies built around them. A truly magnificent archaeological site that has stood the test of time. The complex is currently being excavated with the recent discovery of tunnels beneath the pyramids which were revealed by a flood.

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